Privacy Policy


The cookies on the website do not store confidential information such as your name or address. To limit, block, or delete cookies from this website, use your web browser. As each browser is different, you can refer to the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.

Google Analytics – These cookies enable the functionality of Google Analytics. This software helps collect and analyze information about the type of browser used, the number of visitors to the site, the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, and the duration of each visit. This information is used to improve the website

Facebook – These cookies enable the functionality of Facebook statistics. This software helps collect and analyze information about the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. This information is used to improve the website and tailor ads on Facebook.

The entity placing cookies on the user’s device and accessing them is the operator SIEDLECKIE BIURO NIERUCHOMOŚCI JAROSŁAW NEŚCIOR – contact:

Phone number: +48 734 866 166
Email address:
Mailing address: ul. Bp. Świrskiego 47, 08-110 Siedlce
Cookies may also be placed on the user’s device and used by partners cooperating with the operator – Google and Facebook.

These cookies do not store any confidential information.


We process our clients’ personal data to fulfill a contract or take steps prior to entering into a contract (under Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR).


Using the website involves sending requests to the server where the website is hosted. Each request to the server is recorded in logs, which include, among other things, the IP address, server date and time, and information about the web browser and operating system you are using. The data stored in the server logs is not associated with a specific individual and is only used as support material for administration. This data is not disclosed to anyone except persons authorized to administer the server at


The data provided when sending a message via the contact form will not be used for marketing purposes. This data is stored in the email inbox at for mail management purposes and to send an email response to your message. Third parties will not have access to this data.


Providing personal data for marketing and commercial purposes is voluntary. You have the right to access your personal data, correct it, and request its deletion at any time. To do this, contact the personal data administrator.

The personal data administrator is SIEDLECKIE BIURO NIERUCHOMOŚCI JAROSŁAW NEŚCIOR, ul. Bp. Świrskiego 47, 08-110 Siedlce, NIP: 8211500525, REGON: 710421433.

The administrator informs the User that it entrusts the processing of personal data to the following entities:

ASARI Sp. z o.o., ul. Chałubińskiego 8, 00-613 Warsaw, NIP: 7010010937, REGON: 140455870 – for the purpose of storing personal data on the server.