Atrakcyjna działka GOŁĄBEK 6100m2

Plot | Sale | Gołąbek

130 000 PLN

Total price
130 000 PLN
Price m2
21 PLN
Lot area
6 100 m2
Lot area - unit
In way
Offer number


I recommend a beautiful plot of land located in the village of Gołąbek in the Skorzec commune, just 7 km from Siedlce. The plot is partly forested and its area is as much as 6100m2.
The width of the plot is 14.6 m and the length is 422 m.

The undoubted advantage of the property is a quiet, peaceful and picturesque neighborhood, ideal for relaxing after work and school. New low-rise single-family buildings are being built in the vicinity.

The property will be perfect, for example, as a recreational plot located away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and at the same time with an excellent access that takes a few minutes.

Access to the plot is via a municipal road.
The current is on its way.

Feel free to contact me and watch.

Neścior Nieruchomości 
Jarosław Neścior

ul.Bp. Świrskiego 47
więcej ofert na stronie

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Offer inquiry

Jarosław Neścior

Jarosław Neścior

Dyrektor Biura Siedlce

The administrator of personal data is Neścior Nieruchomości, located at Bp. Świrskiego 47, 08-110 Siedlce (“Administrator”), who can be contacted via email at… read more
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