Działki przemysłowe Skórzec

Plot | Sale | Skórzec, Przemysłowa str.

475 000 PLN

Total price
475 000 PLN
Price m2
125 PLN
Lot area
3 791 m2
Lot area - unit
Offer number


Industrial plots for sale in Skórzec. The plots are located in an area intended for industry. Basic purpose of the area: production plants, warehouses, warehouses, wholesalers. Access to one of the plots by asphalt road, entry from 803 (provincial) street, and to the other plot by dirt road, entry from Przemysłowa street. Rectangular plots with an area of 3874 m2 and 3791 m2, bordering each other, come from the division of one larger plot. In the vicinity there is also an industrial plot for sale with an area of 6008m2 with an entrance from Przemysłowa Street.

Area: 3874m2 and 3791m2
Dimensions: about 50m by about 70m and about 38m by 100m
Terrain: flat terrain

Electricity on the road by the plot
Water on the way by the plot
Sewerage on the way to the plot

The price is PLN 125 net per m2.

I highly recommend and invite you to contact me

NEŚCIOR Nieruchomości 
Maksymilian Pleszczyński
ul. 11 Listopada I piętro 
tel: 668621282 
więcej ofert na stronie :

Additional information

Issued building conditions
Local plan
Zoning plan
Zoning plan
Production and service
Driveway type

Offer inquiry

Jarosław Neścior

Jarosław Neścior

Dyrektor Biura Siedlce

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